Accessing your School Tax Bill
School tax bills are mailed to taxpayers at the end of August every year. School tax bills are also available on the district’s online tax payment and search website.
Checks can be mailed to:
Goshen CSD Tax Collector
P.O. Box 66
Goshen, NY 10924
There are no in-person payments for school taxes. A drop box is available.
School Tax Receipts
To view and/or print your current and past years School Tax Receipts please visit the following website:
Information about Escrow
If you believe that your bank or mortgage company escrows for your taxes (your monthly mortgage amount includes a tax escrow payment) and you receive a tax bill, please forward your bill to the bank or company holding your mortgage.
Didn’t receive a tax bill?
Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve you of your responsibility for payment. It also will not constitute cause for cancellation of any penalty if the bill becomes delinquent (New York State Real Property Tax Law 922). If you do not receive a tax bill, contact the tax collector to obtain a copy of your tax bill.
New York state homeowners can reduce their school taxes through the statewide school tax relief program, STAR.
What is STAR?
The School Tax Relief (STAR) program offers property tax relief to eligible New York State homeowners. Qualified homeowners, who must apply to participate in STAR through their local assessor, receive a partial property tax exemption or credit under the program. The Basic STAR and Enhanced STAR exemptions reduce what homeowners would otherwise owe on their property tax bills. STAR exemption amounts are calculated by the Office of Real Property Tax Services, a division of the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance. Most STAR recipients save several hundred dollars on their property taxes each year.
If eligible and enrolled in the STAR program, a taxpayer will receive the benefit each year
in one of two ways:
STAR credit: If registered for the STAR credit, the Tax Department will issue a STAR benefit via check or direct deposit that the homeowner can use to pay school taxes. Homeowners with an income of $500,000 or less can receive the STAR credit for their primary residence only.
STAR exemption. If registered for the STAR exemption, homeowners will receive a reduction on their school tax bill for as long as they remain eligible. Note: The STAR exemption is no longer available to new homeowners, and homeowners who are already receiving the STAR exemption may see a larger
benefit by switching to a STAR credit.
Homeowners can view and update their property tax benefit registrations and enroll in direct deposit for STAR credit by creating a Tax Department Individual Online Services account and visiting the
Homeowner Benefit Portal at
How does STAR affect school districts?
Local school districts are reimbursed by the state for property tax revenues that go uncollected as a result of STAR exemptions. Although STAR exemptions apply to school property taxes, school districts have no influence over the exemptions or tax savings. Because assessment data and equalization rates are not usually available during the spring school budget season, school districts frequently resist quoting future tax rates related to their proposed spending plans. Accurate tax information becomes available later in the summer before tax bills are sent to residents.
Basic STAR and Enhanced STAR
Whether you receive the STAR exemption or the credit, there is a Basic STAR benefit and an Enhanced
STAR benefit.
Basic STAR
- available for owner-occupied, primary residences
- the income limit for the Basic STAR credit is $500,000 (the income limit for the Basic STAR exemption is $250,000)
- based on the first $30,000 of the full value of a home
Enhanced STAR
- provides an increased benefit for the primary residences of senior citizens (age 65 and older) with qualifying incomes:
- $98,700 or less for the 2024-2025 school year
- $107,300 or less for the 2025-2026 school year
- based on the first $84,000 of the full value of a home for the 2024-2025 school year.
- based on the first $86,100 of the full value of a home for the 2025-2026 school year.
All Enhanced STAR recipients are required to participate in the Enhanced STAR
Income Verification Program (IVP). In the first year that you apply for the Enhanced STAR exemption, your assessor will verify your eligibility based on the income information you provide. In the following years, we will verify your income eligibility. You will not need to reapply for the exemption or provide copies of your tax returns to your local assessor.
The STAR benefit applies only to school district taxes.
A new letter to some basic STAR recipients
In the February 10 Assessment Community Weekly, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance announced a new letter-Form RP-425-BR-for Basic STAR exemption recipients who have not yet registered with the department.
Only 2% of the total STAR exemption recipients will receive this letter. In general, these are homeowners who:
- have been receiving the Basic STAR exemption since 2015 or earlier, and
- have not yet registered with the Tax Department for the Basic STAR exemption as required by Real Property Tax Law § 425.
Please follow the instructions in the letter, to register for the STAR exemption.
If you don’t have access to the Internet or have questions, contact the New York State STAR Call Center at 518-457-2036.
Budget & Finance Links
Contact Us
Ann Desiglioli
School Tax Collector (September 1 through November 15)
(845) 615-6737
Fax: (845) 615-6750
Business Office
School Tax Collector (November 16 through August 31)
Fax: (845)615-6750
Town Assessors
Please contact your local assessor if you have questions about your assessment, STAR credit or other exemptions, or require a change of address.
Phone: (845) 469-7000 – opt. 6
Fax: (845) 469-7631
Phone: (845) 294-7121
Fax: (845) 294-6542
Phone: (845) 427-4242– opt. 1
Fax: (845) 427-7096
Phone: (845) 692-7810
Fax: (845) 326-1434
Phone: (845) 355-5700 – opt. 9
Fax: (845) 355-1484