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Food Services

Breakfast and lunch menus

Scotchtown Avenue Elementary School | Goshen Intermediate School | C. J. Hooker Middle School |
Goshen High School | Universal Pre-K (UPK) at Scotchtown Avenue

About school meals

Goshen offers breakfast and lunch to all students. We serve more than 1,400 nutritionally balanced lunches to students each day.

School lunches provide one-third of the recommended dietary intake for calories, protein and vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. On average, a meal contains less than 30 percent of calories from fat and less than 10 percent from saturated fat. In recent years Goshen has increased the use of whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. A good portion of our fresh produce is purchased through a USDA Produce Pilot Program from a farm in Florida, New York. All cooked products are either baked or steamed; nothing is fried.

Like lunch, breakfast is served each day. Eating a good breakfast is beneficial to all students. In fact, the USDA has determined that eating breakfast helps improve math, reading and standardized test scores, improves memory and performance, and decreases behavioral issues.

Halal meal options available

The Goshen Central School District’s Food Services Department offers halal meal options to meet the dietary needs of students. The Food Services Director worked with a group of approximately 30 parents led by Mr. Imran Hassan to create the halal menu items that are available in all four schools. 

“We want our students and their families to feel confident that their child will receive a nutritious meal while at school, no matter their dietary needs,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kurtis Kotes. “The Food Services Department is continually working to offer menus that accommodate our families while following state and federal requirements and keeping expenses to a minimum.”

School Meal Payment Methods

The district offers two payment systems for families:

MySchoolBucks online payment system

MySchoolBucks allows parents and guardians to quickly, conveniently, and securely pay for student meals using a credit card, debit card, or electronic check. Parents and guardians can also view their child’s account balance, receive optional alerts when balances are low, and see what food purchases were made, at any time, from their computer or phone via mobile app. Access the MySchoolBucks online payment system.

Prepaid cash accounts

The Food Services Department offers prepaid cash accounts for parents who like to prepay for their child’s school meal accounts with cash or check. Learn more about prepaid cash accounts.

Birthday treats

Order your child’s birthday treats through Goshen Central School’s Food Service Department. Access the Birthday Treat Order Form. To order at Scotchtown Avenue, email sas.cafe@gcsny.org or call 845-615-6630. To order at Goshen Intermediate School, students must place their birthday order forms with payment in a sealed envelope in the green mailbox mounted on the wall next to the serving line door in the cafeteria. For information regarding your student’s lunch account please email gis.cafe@gcsny.org or call 845-615-6532

Free and reduced-price meal information

Free and reduced-price meals are available to children who meet Federal guidelines. Applications are located in the center of the school calendar and on the district website. Only one application is needed per family. Completed applications should be returned to the Food Service Department or a school nurse.

By applying for meal benefits, you may be eligible for:

  • P-EBT Funding
  • Free-or-reduced fees
  • Reduced registration fees for AP, SAT and/or AP Exams
  • Discounted rates on college application fees.

Your application affects funding in many areas, including:

  • School funding
  • Internet and technology
  • Access to grants
  • Resources for classrooms, teachers and children

Meal Charge/Prohibition Against Meal Shaming Policy

Although payment for school meals is typically due at the time of the sale (through a prepaid balance, cash or some other means), the Goshen Central School District recognizes that at times, students are unable to make this payment for a variety of reasons. The district has established a school meal charge policy to provide clear information about how these situations will be handled, including steps designed to avoid any embarrassment of children. View the Meal Charge/Prohibition Against Meal Shaming Policy.

Summer meals available for students

The National Hunger Hotline, 1-866-3-HUNGRY, operated by WhyHunger, is a toll-free phone number available to people in need of food assistance. Families can call the National Hunger Hotline to find summer meal sites in their communities. Visit the USDA website to enter the zip code and zoom out for area locations.

Departments & Services Links

Food Services contact

Roderick Isaac
Director of Food Services
(845) 615-6492

Gluten-free items

Please contact your child’s cafeteria in advance to ensure specific items are available.

  • Rice Chex Cereal and Cheerios
  • Gluten-free pizza, chicken tenders, bread or buns (for sandwiches and burgers)
  • French fries
  • Salad bar and fruit
  • Milk

View the District Wellness Policy