We are so excited to announce that our 2nd grade VIP & Me dance is back!
Join us Saturday May 18th from 6 pm to 7:30 pm in the high school gymnasium for an evening of fun that includes dancing, crafts, snacks and games.
Purchase your ticket today via: https://sas-vip-dance.cheddarup.com
*Please note that this dance is for 2nd graders only. Siblings are not allowed to attend. Additionally, we require one adult (only) per child.
We do have a few volunteer opportunities available to make this dance a success. We kindly ask that you do not sign up for the floater/helper spots if you are attending the dance with your child. But this is a great opportunity for a second adult to attend and see their 2nd grader from “afar”:
SAS PTO: 2nd Grade Dance (signupgenius.com)
Thanks so much for your understanding and help making this evening a blast for our students!