District Cyber Attack Updates: At this time, little new information is known. Temporary phone numbers will hopefully be available for community and district communication on Monday, July 15. All news related to the cyber attack, including information about summer programs, can be found here: GCSD Cyber Attack Updates

Guidance Plan for Grades 6-12


Program Objective: To provide an annual review of each student’s educational progress and career plans with reviews to be conducted with each student individually or with small groups by personnel certified as school counselors.


a. Student – Counselor Conferences


  • Students will develop the ability to correctly identify his or her academic ability and achievement levels.
  • Students will develop the ability to relate present academic ability and achievement levels to future educational and career plans.


  • Counselor notes
  • Student guidance folder


Program Objective: To provide comprehensive, developmental counseling services for all students needing support with academic, career and personal/social issues.


Provide individual, group counseling, and push-in classroom services to assist students in self-understanding, understanding others, clarifying values and problem solving. Areas to be addressed include:

a. academic
b. bullying awareness
c. emotional
e. interpersonal
f. attendance


  • Students will demonstrate interpersonal communication and problem solving skills as appropriate
  • Students will demonstrate appropriate coping strategies in above areas
  • Students will understand the process for reporting bullying related incidents
  • Students will show consistent attendance to counseling groups and individual meetings
  • Students will maintain and show continued progress academically with grades equal to their ability level


  • Student achievement is monitored through school wide progress reports and report cards
  • Counselor record keeping of student attendance
  • Review report cards and track student progress
  • Attend academic team meetings and parent teacher conferences to get teacher input of peer relationships and student progress
  • Review peer mediation data
  • Interpersonal communication, problem solving, and coping strategies will be noted by classroom teachers, as well as discussions in team meetings and parent conferences


Program Objective: To help students who exhibit attendance problems, academic problems, behavioral or adjustment problems, family issues that impact their education and life


a. Case management
b. Regular attendance reporting
c. Telephone calls or letters sent to parents
d. Referrals to community organizations or legal system
e. Referral to assessment by Response to Intervention (RtI) Team
f. Instruction on classroom behavior
g. Parent/Teacher conferences in coordination with principal, guidance counselor, and/or social worker
h. Individual counseling
i. Group counseling
j. Support any referral to school administrator for disciplining purposes
k. Support/referral to Committee on Special Education (CSE)
l. Referral to school psychologist
m. Referral to community agencies
n. When necessary, review discipline policies distributed to Parents 6-12


  • Students will attend school regularly as a result of this process. Failure rate will remain stable or decrease
  • Parents will cooperate with the school to ensure the regular attendance of the students
  • The class work and homework of students in the programs will improve
  • The report card grades of students in the program will improve
  • The students will demonstrate responsible behavior towards completing assignments
  • Student behavior will improve
  • Student adjustment to school will improve


  • Review of monthly and year-end student attendance records
  • Observation notes from classroom teacher
  • Academic improvement noted on the student(s) report card
  • A reduction in the number of reported disciplinary problems
  • Student population enjoying their educational experience


Program Objective: To preserve and support the social and emotional health of all students.


a. Individual counseling
b. Group counseling
c. Crisis intervention
d. Suicide/self injurious/violent behavior assessments
e. Social histories and updates
f. CPS calls
g. Conflict management, peer mediation, and restorative conferences.
h. Support bullying prevention and awareness through classroom activities, intervention, and school-wide initiatives
i. Referrals to outside therapists or other mental health professionals and/or organizations


  • Students will feel comfortable in their educational setting.
  • Students will learn and demonstrate good character.
  • School faculty will teach and model good character.
  • Students will have the appropriate support for their social and emotional issues.


  • Student’s level of comfort will be monitored by classroom teacher
  • A measurable reduction in discipline referrals for all students
  • Formalized observation by administrator
  • Reassessment of the guidance program on a yearly basis


Program Objective: To evaluate student progress and encourage each student to pursue appropriate programs commensurate with his/her abilities/aptitudes and interests, and to develop a schedule of courses that support progress towards NYS Diploma requirements.


a. Monitor report cards and progress reports when issued
b. Initiate student/parent/teacher conferences
c. Make adjustments to programs and schedules when necessary
d. Gather data on students’ abilities, aptitudes and interests through state/standardized testing and cumulative records
e. Obtain and utilize information from teachers’ observations and recommendations
f. Publish course description booklet containing general information and descriptions of courses (HS)
g. Provide information regarding Career and Tech Center through O-U BOCES (HS)
h. Conduct individual and/or small group counseling sessions on program and course selections.
i. Maintain school records and verification of graduation credits and requirements (HS)
j. Work with graduating seniors on post-high school planning (includes application assistance, transcript preparation, financial aid, scholarship information and letters of recommendation) (HS)
k. Individual meetings with students and parents for high school course selections
l. Review of records to ensure proper placement of new students
m. Coordinate with academic teams for appropriate placement in extra-help sessions
o. Assist 10th grade students in “Career Readiness” through implementation of online career assessment inventory (HS)


  • Students will maintain achievement levels appropriate to their ability in all academic areas
  • Students are placed in appropriate regular/remedial/accelerated programs
  • Increased student awareness of availability of course offerings and selections at all grade levels
  • Increased student organizational skills


  • Counselor and staff review of report cards
  • School support staff review state assessments for appropriate academic placement
  • Review course requests report and IEPs to ensure appropriate student placement for upcoming year


Program Objective: To inform parents/guardians of student progress and involve them in guidance related services.


a. Conduct fifth and eighth grade parents/guardians orientation programs
b. Participate in summer orientation program for incoming sixth/ninth graders
c. Sponsor college financial aid/scholarship information program (HS)
d. Conduct college informational program (HS)
e. Notify parents/guardians of student program plans and changes and encourage them to be involved in the planning process
f. Conduct telephone conferences with parents when appropriate
g. Send home state/standardized test results with appropriate explanations
h. Notify parents of seniors who may not graduate (HS)
i. Participate in Open House activities
j. Notify parents of student retention
k. Maintain guidance website information
l. Meet with all ninth graders in small groups (HS)
m. Notify parents of college testing opportunities (HS)


  • Increase in parent knowledge base: parents develop a clear understanding of school services and programs for children
  • Students and parents are more prepared and less anxious for their transition into middle/high school, college, trade school or the world of work
  • Ongoing consultation with parents and teachers to ensure highest level of student performance and encourage open lines of communication
  • Easily accessible information to parents via the Internet


  • School staff evaluates for less student disruption during transition to middle school
  • Parental feedback on satisfaction of parent/teacher/guidance communication via phone, written etc.
  • Progress reports and report card comments
  • Monitor the attendance for new orientation and participation of older grade for the events
  • Monitor the response of parents coming in for eighth grade scheduling meetings
  • Record the response to student retention phone calls
  • Survey new students on their transition to the middle school


  • Monitor attendance at parent evening programs
  • Feedback from ninth grade individual meetings and student surveys
  • Monitor progress reports and report card comments as well as parent/teacher/ counselor conferences


Program Objective: To provide career guidance to students at each grade level so that they may attain the knowledge and skills necessary to secure employment and perform work in a satisfactory manner.


a. Conduct individual/group guidance sessions concerning career planning. Sessions involve an exploration of careers and about career planning skills
b. Utilize Naviance and other computer related sources (HS)
c. Cooperate with Career Internship Coordinator in the teaching of skills concerned with job applications, resumes, interviews, etc. (HS)
d. Provide students opportunities for career exploration through the Career Internship Program (HS)
e. Mentor students on opportunities for job shadowing and internships (HS)
f. Maintain a career portfolio for each student through Naviance (HS)


  • Students have an increased knowledge base of career options and information
  • Coordinate with home and career teacher to assess student interests
  • Students are able to match careers to their abilities/interests


  • Career assessment surveys through Home & Career and via Naviance to promote discussions on career and college readiness and high school planning (HS)
  • Counselors ensure accurate placement in career and technical programs (HS)


Program Objective: To provide consultation services to teachers, student support personnel, parents, administration in understanding and meeting the individual needs of students.


a. Maintain a student folder for each student containing data relevant to academic performance including academic and testing records
b. Consult with parents as needed
c. Make recommendations for revisions in course offerings in keeping with the changing needs of students
d. Attend team meetings and discuss students
e. Attend Response to Intervention RtI Team (RtI) Meetings


  • Counseling will have more knowledge of student achievement and behavior
  • Prevention of escalation of student at risk behaviors
  • Reduction in the number of missed assignments, classes, and disciplinary problems
  • Feedback from counseling staff and administration
  • Monitor the number of students who attend Alternative Educational programs and the reason for the referral (HS)


  • Track referrals to Alternative High School and GED programs


Program Objective: To maintain a working relationship with all agencies involved with youth.


a. Refer students and parents to appropriate public and private agencies dealing with specific problems
b. Maintain contact with agencies through mutual visits and/or by telephone
c. Maintain list of hotline and emergency numbers and self-help groups
d. Coordinate with school social worker and school psychologist on agency listings and appropriate referrals for students and families


  • Decrease in crisis incidents
  • Increased ability to quickly provide help in time of crisis to students and families


  • Able to give students proper help and referrals in crisis situations


Program Objective: To address the needs of students with disabilities or other special needs.


a. Work with district’s Committee on Special Education in implementation of Individual Education Plan (IEP) and transition plans
b. Work with school psychologist and school social worker to inform teachers and other staff members about special students problems and needs
c. Refer students to CSE when appropriate
d. Maintain appropriate contact with parents of students with special needs
e. Parent/Team Conferences


  • Counselors are able to better serve students with special needs by coordination with support service staff
  • Ensure appropriate placement in all academic and related service areas


  • Attend yearly CSE and 504 meetings
  • Observation and feedback provided by teachers, school psychologist and social worker
  • Consultation with special education staff and teachers on program availability and needs for students


  • Attend annual reviews meetings
  • Monitor report cards and student achievement


Program Objective: To provide effective communication to the school community and the community at large.


a. Disseminate counseling related information in local newspapers, district, principal, and counselor newsletters
b. Email, post online, or mail home guidance related information
c. Publish appropriate middle and high school documents, course guides and college planning books for students and parent use
d. Maintain guidance websites
e. Maintain guidance bulletin boards with pertinent information
f. Correspond with parents/guardians by telephone, mail and email


  • Increase in positive community relations and feedback regarding middle school and high school guidance program
  • Increase in community understanding and response to information
  • Community has information easily accessible through district website and bulletin boards


  • Community feedback to counseling staff
  • Observation and feedback from administration