District Cyber Attack Updates: At this time, little new information is known. Temporary phone numbers will hopefully be available for community and district communication on Monday, July 15. All news related to the cyber attack, including information about summer programs, can be found here: GCSD Cyber Attack Updates

GHS Creative Writing: Princess Leia team wins STORY WARS! flash fiction contest with “The Puddler”

Goshen High School Teacher Beth Laskoski’s creative writing class participated in STORY WARS! — a competition where groups of students wrote flash fiction pieces based on a photograph.

A panel of faculty and staff served as judges, and the Princess Leia team came out on top!

Congratulations to (L-R) Samantha Sleight, Veronica Donohue, Humna Khan and Julia Radjenovic (not pictured).

Three high school students stand in front of a large green and black screen that says "STORY WARS," holding white paper bags and wearing medals.

The Puddler

A man's head sticks up out of a brown puddle in the street. Tape ropes off the area, next to a large dirt pile and truck, while people on motorcycles drive by.

I’m a fugitive.

I stole a $2000 TV, got arrested, and escaped jail.

I figured I’m already an outcast in this world full of superpowers, so why not just do whatever.

Being bullied all my life for how useless my power is and how stupid I look when I use it, has made me vengeful. I was born like this and couldn’t change.

I sighed and jogged down the street getting soaked by rain. It had been storming forever and I just wanted to reach my family—although it seemed it would never happen. Only being able to move at night, my time was limited and I had to move quickly.

I felt the search dragging on, as the “Wee-Woo!” sound intensified. With one too many close calls, I couldn’t afford another.

I made a run for it.

All of a sudden, I heard sirens, with the cops running me down on bikes. They seem to be moving faster by the second. I was left with no choice. Scared to death, I shut my eyes tight as I knew what was going to happen. My body got colder and I felt myself splash to the pavement.

My power: turning into a puddle. They drove past me cluelessly. Has the power I have been conscious of finally come to good use?

As I heard the sirens in the distance, I was filled with joy and exclaimed, “Hahaha! I am the Puddler!”