Home » Departments & Services » Pupil Personnel Services » Comprehensive Guidance Plan » Tentative Calendar of Events for Grades K-5

Tentative Calendar of Events for Grades K-5


  • Meet and greets – Grades 1 through 5 (students and families)
  • Kindergarten Orientation for parents
  • Evening parent orientation for Grades 1 through 5
  • Set up counseling and therapy schedules for related services
  • AIS Parent Orientations (GIS & SAS)
  • IEP/504 review with special areas
  • Begin RTI team meetings for at-risk students (ongoing throughout school year)
  • DASA Assembly


  • Scottie Pride kickoff program (SAS)
  • Jelly Bean Field Day (GIS)
  • Benchmark scoring Math and ELA (GIS)
  • Fire Prevention assembly
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Food Allergy Assembly (SAS)


  • Congruency meeting between intervention providers and classroom teachers
  • Trimester 1 Parent/Teacher conferences
  • Send out attendance letters for students who have accumulated 6+ absences
  • Response to Intervention meetings


  • Re-assess at-risk students
  • Send out attendance letters for students who have accumulated 9+ absences
  • Mother/Daughter Tea (GIS)
  • Response to Intervention meetings


  • Begin Trimester 2 Assessments
  • Clubs programs begin (GIS)
  • Response to Intervention meetings


  • Congruency Meeting between intervention providers and classroom teachers
  • End of Trimester 2
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences – Trimester 2
  • Incoming Kindergarten parent orientation re: screening (SAS)
  • Send out attendance letters for students who have accumulated 12+ absences
  • Father/Son Fitness (GIS)
  • Response to Intervention meetings


  • Kindergarten screening and registration (SAS)
  • Response to Intervention meetings


  • NYSESLAT testing
  • Open House Portfolio night
  • Incoming Kindergarten parent orientation
  • Transition planning for second to third grade
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Mother/Daughter Tea (SAS)


  • Second grade visit to third grade
  • Fifth grade visit to sixth grade
  • Transition planning fifth to sixth grade
  • Group students for following year
  • Send out attendance letters for students who have accumulated 18 plus absences, copy in Permanent Record File
  • Response to Intervention meetings


  • Finalize master schedule
  • Summer curriculum work based on student data / assessment / areas of identified need
  • Update Family Guide
  • Prepare for opening days / weeks of school
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Parent Walk Throughs