Home » Departments & Services » Pupil Personnel Services » Comprehensive Guidance Plan » Tentative Calendar of Events for Grades 6-8

Tentative Calendar of Events for Grades 6-8


  • Refine schedules
  • Review state testing results with classroom/AIS teachers
  • Consult with classroom teachers on pre-assessment data to ensure appropriate academic placement in enrichment/AIS classes
  • Set up counseling groups:
    1. Get information from teachers on prospective students
    2. Group activity planning
  • Assist staff with IEP/504 interpretation
  • Character Education assembly
  • Set goal grades with students
  • Contact students for individual counseling
  • Meet with academic teams regarding current students and new entrants
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Balance class sizes
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers


  • Ensure teacher comments are ready for progress reports
  • Review progress reports and do follow-up meeting with students of concern
  • Meet with retained students
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Coordinate extra-help sessions with academic teams for students of concern:
    1. Meet with academic teams
    2. Review potential candidates for extra-help sessions
    3. Arrange extra-help schedule with students and parents
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Review emergency medical plan for middle school
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Selection and training of Peer Mediators – Grades 6 through 8
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers


  • Review report cards, set up educational plan for students of concern
  • Character Education assembly
  • Review goal grades with individual students
  • Goal Grade Pizza Party
  • Review report cards, set up educational plan for students of concern
  • Attend parent/team conferences for students
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Compile and post list of merit and honor roll students
  • Adult/Mentor program begins
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Program planning to promote positive peer relationships
  • Send out attendance letters for students with 6 or more absences


  • Review student progress reports:
    1. Academic counseling
    2. Intervention strategies:
      1. Meet with academic teams
      2. Counselor and student meeting
      3. Develop student plan to improve grades
      4. Counselor, student and parent discussion/meeting
      5. Counselor, parent, and teacher conference
      6. Referral to CSE, RtI, or after school help
  • Consult with Home and Careers teacher about results from career exploration activities (6-8)
  • Nominations for Sojourner Truth Awards
  • Prepare and check student schedules for second semester
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Review progress of students in extra-help programs
  • Group counseling grades 6-8 including evaluation and wrap up for semester counseling groups
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Parent/Teacher conferences
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers


  • Meet with students of concern and prepare them for mid-year assessments
  • Meet with 8th graders in small groups for high school planning:
    1. Meet individually with 8th grade students and parents to review four year plans, and/or student course selections for the High School
    2. Coordinate High School student course selections
  • Review new semester schedule
  • Review IEP & 504 plans for testing accommodations
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Attend Parent/Team conferences


  • Review report cards and meet with students of concern:
    1. Academic Counseling
    2. Intervention Strategies:
      1. Counselor and student meeting
      2. Develop student plan to improve grades
      3. Counselor, student and parent discussion/meeting
      4. Counselor, parent, and teacher conference
      5. Referral to CSE, RtI or after school help
  • Continue to meet with 8th graders in small groups for high school planning:
    1. Meet individually with 8th grade student and parents for career and student scheduling for next year
    2.  Coordinate student course selections
  • Coordinate orientation for 8th grade students with high school representatives coming to the middle school
  • Character Education Assembly
  • Review Goal Grades with individual students
  • Goal Grade Pizza Party
  • Set new Goal Grades with individual students
  • Send out letters for students at risk for summer school/retention
  • Set up parent meetings for students who have failed 2 quarters
  • New student registration and orientation
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Attend Parent/Team conferences


  • Review progress reports and meet with students:
    1. Contact parents/guardians
    2. Develop educational plan for rest of year
    3. Review student placements in extra-help programs
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Sojourner Truth Awards
  • Prepare and send individual student matrices to 5th grade teachers
  • Meet with 5th grade teachers to review incoming 6th grade students
  • Y2K Program through County Youth Bureau
  • Group Counseling grades 6-8
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Attend Parent/Team conferences


  • Organize NYS ELA testing:
    1. Coordination of regular education and special education students
    2. Ensure proper test settings
    3. Review teacher roles and brief new faculty on responsibilities
    4. Organize and distribute testing materials
    5. Bundle and reorganize materials post testing
  • Organize NYS Math testing:
    1. Coordination of regular education and special education students
    2. Ensure proper test settings
    3. Review teacher roles and brief new faculty on responsibilities
    4. Organize and distribute testing materials
    5. Bundle and reorganize materials post testing
  • Review 3rd quarter report cards, meet with students of concern.
  • Send out letters for students who are at risk of attending summer program/retention.
  • Intervention Strategies:
    1. Meet with Academic Team
    2. Counselor and student meeting
    3. Develop student plan to improve grades
    4. Counselor, student and parent discussion/meeting
    5. Counselor, parent, and teacher conference
    6. Referral to RtI, CSE or after school help
  • New student scheduling and orientation.
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Character Education Assembly
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Attend parent meeting for students failing more than one academic subject


  • Organize lists of potential summer school students
  • Coordinate parent conferences for students at risk of retention
  • Schedule 5th grade visit with 5th and 6th grade teachers and administration
  • Select and train 6th grade student guides for 5th grade visit
  • 5th Grade classes visit CJH for orientation with 6th grade helpers
  • Review goal grades with individual students
  • Goal Grade Pizza Party
  • Set new Goal Grades with individual students
  • Final review of student progress for potential summer program candidates
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers


  • Organize NYS Science Written testing
  • Meet with GIS Counselor to discuss incoming 5th grade students
  • Coordinate student orientation for grade 5 to 6 who are anxious about Middle School
  • Coordinate selection of student buddies in grade 6 and 7 with homeroom teachers
  • New student scheduling and orientation for next school year
  • NYS Biology Regents
  • NYS Integrated Algebra Regents
  • NYS Earth Science Regents
  • Language Proficiency Exams
  • Contact parents if their child needs to attend summer school and/or retention
  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Student Development Day
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Moving Up Ceremony

Summer Activities (July-August)

  • Organize and conduct new entrant orientation
  • Analyze state test results
  • Review and schedule special education placement
  • Master schedule and Special Education schedule completion
  • Run student schedules
  • Run teacher schedules
  • Prepare for orientation of 6th graders and new entrants
  • Contact and set up student buddies for new entrants
  • Parent meetings
  • Ice Cream Social (6th grade)


  • Group counseling grades 6-8
  • Attend CSE/504 meetings
  • Individual and crisis counseling
  • Response to Intervention meetings
  • Meet with academic teams of teachers
  • Communication by phone, email, mail with parents/guardians
  • Membership on various school committees
  • Coordination of classroom work/assignments for students absent from school
  • Update website
  • Arrange parent/teacher/counselor conferences
  • New student scheduling and orientation
  • Creation, maintenance, and implementation of annual master schedule and special education schedule
  • Involvement in various community service activities
  • Contact with local agencies and community resources