Acceptable Use Policies

Purpose of the Instructional Network

It is the policy of the Goshen Central School District to include the use of computers as a necessary component of the educational program. The ability to use a computer is a skill that must be taught to students to insure their success in the 21st century. Therefore, the Goshen Central School District gives students the right and privilege to use computers to fulfill educational requirements, provided that students comply with all district policies, including, but not limited to, those concerning use of instructional equipment and Network/Internet use.

Purpose of the Internet

One component of the Instructional Network is student access to the Internet. The Goshen School District views the Internet as a resource provided for all students to enhance their education. Parents and/or guardians must keep in mind, however, that there are areas on the Internet that contain material they may view as inappropriate (such as pornography, vulgar jokes, statements of belief that they may consider immoral, etc.). While staff members will supervise student use of the Internet, it is impossible to monitor a student’s use every minute in a classroom situation. There will be times, no matter how diligent a teacher may be, when students may encounter objectionable material. Parents or guardians who do not want their child to have access to this resource must complete the enclosed form and return it to the building principal.

Rights and Responsibilities of Network/Internet Users

Everyone who uses the Instructional Network and the Internet (including staff members and students) must attend a presentation on the proper methods of use before he/she is given access.

All students and staff members will be granted full access to the Instructional Network and the Internet. Access rights to the Internet will be terminated upon parental request.

The computers, file servers, and cabling that make up the Instructional Network are school property. Therefore, any material stored on the computers or file servers may be viewed at any time by teachers, network administrators, or school administrators. Students and/or staff members should not save materials on the Network that they do not want others to view.

All users of the Instructional Network and the Internet have the right to a safe, non-threatening workplace. Any user who receives threatening or unwelcome communications should report them to a teacher, network administrator, or school administrator.

Users will select a password to insure the security of their workplace on the Network. Users will have the ability to change their password as often as they like, and should do so as soon as they suspect someone else has learned it. Users should never divulge their password to anyone else.

Since each user’s work area is protected by a password known only to the user, everyone accessing the Network is personally responsible for any inappropriate materials found in his/her workplace. All District policies on student and staff conduct extend to the Instructional Network. Violations of District policy on the Network will be handled in the manner outlined in the policy or the appropriate handbook.

Use of the Internet involves contact with people outside of our normal surroundings. This type of contact always carries some element of risk with it. Both students and staff are reminded that the people they are dealing with are strangers, and the proper precautions should be taken. Therefore, users should never give out their full name, home address, telephone number, social security number, or any other personal information which you wouldn’t otherwise share with a stranger.

Network users must respect all copyright issues regarding software, information, and attributes of authorship. The unauthorized copying or transfer of copyrighted materials is a violation of district policy and will not be tolerated.

Attempts to misuse the Network/Internet will not be permitted. Examples of such attempts include, but are not limited to:

  • sending or displaying offensive materials or pictures
  • using obscene language
  • harassing, insulting, threatening, or attacking others
  • damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks
  • using another’s password
  • trespassing in another’s folders, work, or files
  • attempting to gain access to areas on the network where privileges have not been granted
  • intentionally wasting limited resources
  • employing the Network/Internet for illegal activities

Any attempt to misuse the Network/Internet may result in withdrawal of the privilege of use or in restricted use and may result in disciplinary action.