District Cyber Attack Updates: At this time, little new information is known. Temporary phone numbers will hopefully be available for community and district communication on Monday, July 15. All news related to the cyber attack, including information about summer programs, can be found here: GCSD Cyber Attack Updates

CJH September Students of the Month

The C.J. Hooker Middle School announced its Students of the Month for September. Students of the Month are:

  • Respectful – The student treats classmates, teachers and staff with respect by valuing each as an individual, respecting differences, and valuing the work that others do;
  • Responsible – The student embraces the responsibility required to maintain progress in their schoolwork and other personal goals;
  • Positive – The student contributes to the success of the school by promoting a positive school climate through their actions and words;
  • Honest – The student communicates truthfully and in a respectful way with classmates, teachers, staff and refrains from dishonesty in completing academic work; and
  • Committed to success – The student strives for success in all they do and works to the best of their ability.

Grade 6

Gadiel Sanchezcastellanos has done an excellent job adjusting to middle school. He comes to his classes well prepared and ready to learn. Gadiel is kind to everyone! He is always willing to help his classmates! It is a pleasure to nominate Gadiel as student of the month!

Benoria Karpeh is our Student of the Month because she’s a really kind, hardworking, and thoughtful student. She’s always friendly and makes everyone feel welcome in our school. She also works really hard in her classes and inspires her friends to do the same. Plus, she’s considerate and thinks about how others feel, which makes our school a better place. Benoria deserves this award and we’re proud of her. Congratulations Benoria!

Iliyas Smirnov has made a wonderful transition to the middle school. He is friendly and kind and is quick to help his teachers and classmates. We appreciate how tech savvy he is and how willing he is to lend a helping hand. In addition, Iliyas comes prepared each day, ready to learn and participate. Congratulations Iliyas and keep up the good work!

Special Areas

Cecilia Boesch deserve recognition for her unwavering dedication and outstanding effort in school. Her commitment to learning and continuous hard work is truly commendable. She consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a thirst for knowledge, setting a fantastic example for her peers. Cecilia’s positive attitude and determination to excel in her studies make her a standout student. Congratulations!

Grade 7

Sydney Huynh is a kind and considerate young lady. She models a friendly and respectful demeanor everyday, to both her friends and teachers. Sydney is responsible and completes her work in order to be ready for class. While in class, Sydney actively volunteers to participate, which keeps the class engaged. Keep up the great work, Sydney! Congratulations on being selected as one of September’s Students of the Month!

Dean Iftikhar comes in each day with a smile and ready to learn. He is kind and friendly to both his peers and teachers. The personalized greetings and goodbyes Dean gives his teachers each day demonstrate just how considerate and personable he is. He adds so much positivity to our classes! Additionally, Dean is a hard-working student. He consistently tries his best, showing both effort and responsibility in all his academic work. Congratulations, Dean, on this much-deserved recognition!

Rhys O’Fair deserves the recognition of Student of the Month for September. Rhys has shown that he strives to do well in all of his classes. He stays after school regularly in order to get some of his homework done. He comes to school prepared and ready to learn. Additionally, Rhys is friendly, kind, and respectful to his teachers and classmates. Way to start off the year on the right foot, Rhys! Congratulations for being a standout student at CJH!

Special Areas

Bella Buontempone is a very hardworking and dedicated student. She is respectful, kind, and receptive to feedback. Currently, Bella plays clarinet in Concert Band and bass clarinet in Symphonic Band and Jazz Band! What a talented and wonderful person – congratulations on being selected!

Grade 8

Adam Ghaly is a respectful, cooperative, and conscientious student who is off to a great start in 8th grade! Adam comes to class prepared, works well with his peers, and actively participates in class discussions. He strives to do his best and is committed to academic success. Congratulations!

Tanner Horn is an attentive, conscientious, and diligent student. He is a smart, determined, curious, kind, and considerate young man. He is animates and outgoing, but always appropriate and demonstrates maturity both in and out of the classroom. He relates well to adults and his peers, is a positive influence, and looks out for the best interests of others. Tanner is an excellent participant, curious, and self motivated. He is encouraging of others and a terrific addition to all of his classes.

Special Areas

Anabelle Aaronson is a wonderful musician and sets a great example for others to follow. She continues to have a willingness to always do her very best in all areas of music. Anabelle continues to be enthusiastic each and every day and is an absolute pleasure to teach. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!