C.J. Hooker Middle School inducted 8th grade students into the National Junior Honor Society for the 2023-24 school year on Wednesday, October 18.
Membership in the NJHS is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by CJH faculty, and is based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Only first semester eighth grade students are eligible for selection to this chapter.
For more information on this chapter, see the NJHS page.
2023-24 NJHS Members
Keira Albanese

Amelia Arbizo
Brennen Banas
Jack Bertuccio
Maxwell Bourque
Emily Carroll
Lucas Collishaw
Kaylee Croughan
Nathan Cubillo
McKenzie Douet
Tatiana Douet

Nolan Ensall
Alessia Fini
Adrian Flanigan
Luther Fortugno-Harris
Addison Freiberger
Adam Ghaly
Bella Gonzales
Riley Grob
Cynthia Gurda
Mason Haswell
Lauren Henderson
Jason Henze

Olivia Herlihy
Shephard Hoffman
Elizabeth Johnson
Olivia Jordan
Lucas Kooistra
Jordan Kovacs
Alexa Krabbe
Ametish Kundu
Thomas Kwong
Emily Langlitz
Hunter LaViano
Joseph Lorenc

Jacob Loter
Maggie Lu
Skylar Mahoney
William Malkan
Jaxson Markiewicz
Riley Mastroserio
Dante Mazerolle
Ryan Monti
Kaylie Morabito
Amanda Mulligan
Khloe Natal
Harrison Ok

Parker Olson
Gianna Pearlman
Rhyan Quick
Luka Radjenovic
Vincent Santoro
Alana Schrank
Clayton Scoville
Ahmed Siljkovic
Zara Singh
Ashlee Smith
Alexa Snyder
Lila Snyder
Madison Taylor
Isabella Thaxton
Katherine Thornell
Abigail Warland
Riyann Webers
Julia Wilson
Maksym Zalusky