District Cyber Attack Updates: At this time, little new information is known. Temporary phone numbers will hopefully be available for community and district communication on Monday, July 15. All news related to the cyber attack, including information about summer programs, can be found here: GCSD Cyber Attack Updates

CJH December Students of the Month

Middle school students hold certificates and stand together in a hallway as a group in front of a sign that says "Your future is bright."

The C.J. Hooker Middle School announced its Students of the Month for December. Students of the Month are:

  • Respectful – The student treats classmates, teachers and staff with respect by valuing each as an individual, respecting differences, and valuing the work that others do;
  • Responsible – The student embraces the responsibility required to maintain progress in their schoolwork and other personal goals;
  • Positive – The student contributes to the success of the school by promoting a positive school climate through their actions and words;
  • Honest – The student communicates truthfully and in a respectful way with classmates, teachers, staff and refrains from dishonesty in completing academic work; and
  • Committed to success – The student strives for success in all they do and works to the best of their ability.

Grade 6

Sophie Fox is a hardworking student with a heart of gold! She cares about her work, and her peers. Sophie is kind to everyone. She knows how to brighten people’s day with her cheery disposition. She is a true leader among her peers, and they know they can count on her! It is a pleasure to have Sophie as our student of the month!

Michael Joseph is a friendly and kind student who has shown tremendous growth over the past few months. Michael comes to class with a positive attitude. He has been working hard to get all of his assignments completed. He participates in class and puts forth great effort. He is always ready with a smile, greeting or kind word. Michael is a pleasure to have in class and truly deserves to be recognized as student of the month!

Aubrey Cirigliano is our Yellow Team Student of the Month for her fantastic qualities. Aubrey is always responsible, making sure to complete her assignments on time and helping her classmates. She’s considerate and kind, thinking about others’ feelings and offering support to anyone who needs it. Aubrey’s thoughtful actions and positive attitude create a friendly and welcoming environment in our school. Congratulations to Aubrey for being a wonderful role model and a deserving recipient of this recognition!

Oliver Mastroserio is a conscientious, hard working student. He has demonstrated this effort by staying after school on a daily basis to study. Oliver has shown kindness to his fellow students by encouraging them to do well. He has a wonderful sense of humor.

Special Areas

Beatrix Collado is a wonderful, hardworking student. She does such a beautiful job singing in chorus class and all the extra groups she performs in. She continues to maintain a positive and wonderful attitude. Betty is always kind to others and enthusiastic when it comes to learning. Super job!

Grade 7

Lukis Oum is kind, respectful and responsible in class. Lukis takes notes on the daily lesson, follows along, and models exemplary student behavior. Lukis participates when called upon and often shows thoughtful responses during class discussion. Great job, Lukis!

Zoie Singh is a mature, responsible, and kind-hearted student. She possesses independent thinking that is admirable at any age, but especially as a middle schooler. Zoie is true to herself and a wonderful role model of excellent character. She goes out of her way to be accepting and inclusive to her peers, and is kind and respectful to all. Zoie puts forth her best effort in school each day, and her diligence and resiliency do not go unnoticed. Congratulations on your much deserved recognition!

Special Areas

Melanie Alvarenga is our Student of the Month. Her commitment to excellence is evident in her hardworking nature and outgoing personality. Melanie’s helpfulness extends beyond the classroom, making her a beloved figure among her peers and teachers. Her creativity shines in every project she undertakes, and her positive attitude is infectious, brightening our school’s atmosphere. Melanie truly embodies the spirit and values we cherish, making her an exemplary model for her fellow students. Congratulations, Melanie, on this well-earned recognition!

Grade 8

A middle school student holds a certificate in front of her while smiling in a school hallway.

Maria Bautista-Garcia is an incredibly kind student who doesn’t hesitate to lend a helping hand to others. She is diligent, considerate, and responsible. Maria’s willingness to help others is recognized and appreciated by all of her teachers. She comes to class with a positive attitude and is motivated to learn. She is a wonderful role model for her peers! Congratulations, Maria!

Emily Langlitz is an intelligent, determined, inquisitive and attentive student. She is a diligent, conscientious, and studious student who has a genuine interest in the learning process. She displays a quiet confidence, is always attentive, observant, and engaged. Emily is sincere, kind, caring and considerate of others and sets an admirable example.

Special Areas

Alexa Krabbe is a dedicated, inquisitive, and hard working student. She is caring, considerate, and leads by example. She is often the first to volunteer and participate in class. Alexa plays in the Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band this year, playing a different instrument for each group! She goes above and beyond what is asked and does it with a smile. Congratulations, Alexa, on a well deserved honor!