A SEPTSA is a unit interested in the issues of education, advocacy, and the support of special needs children, including those who are gifted and talented. SEPTSA encompasses an entire district and is extended to those in the community outside the district as well.
SEPTSA runs similarly to a Parent Teacher Association (PTA). However, the focus of SEPTSA is to bring awareness, information, speakers, parent/guardian and student support groups, and resources specifically aimed at parents/guardians and educators in the special needs community.
- Build a community Special Needs Resource list
- Quiet lunch spaces
- SEPTSA will offer volunteer hours for students
- SEPTSA present for quiet space rooms with sensory activities during school events (Dances, Trunk
or Treat, Field Days)
Agenda for the 24-25 year
SEPTSA Open House: 6:30 p.m. Sept. 25 in the Goshen High School library. Meet the board, learn about SEPTSA’s mission and connect with others.
To be determined
Past workshops:
- Comprehensive Understanding IEP/504
- IEP/504 Legal Rights
- Advocacy Building for parents and students
- The Spectrum of ADHD
- Reinforcing Executive Functioning Study Skills
- Independent Living & Medically Fragile Students
- May: Mental Health Awareness Month
- Self Care for Special Needs Caregivers and Students
- O.G. A Multi Sensory Learning Approach
2024-25 Officers
Lara Morrison, president
Jacqueline Demers, vice president
Suzanne Aleman, second vice president
Samantha Michaelson, secretary
Lisa Dembeck, corresponding secretary
Sarah White, treasurer