District Cyber Attack Updates: At this time, little new information is known. Temporary phone numbers will hopefully be available for community and district communication on Monday, July 15. All news related to the cyber attack, including information about summer programs, can be found here: GCSD Cyber Attack Updates

CJH names March Students of the Month

A group of middle school students stand together smiling with certificates in a school hallway in front of a sign that says "Your future is bright."

The C.J. Hooker Middle School announced its Students of the Month for March. Students of the Month are:

  • Respectful – The student treats classmates, teachers and staff with respect by valuing each as an individual, respecting differences, and valuing the work that others do;
  • Responsible – The student embraces the responsibility required to maintain progress in their schoolwork and other personal goals;
  • Positive – The student contributes to the success of the school by promoting a positive school climate through their actions and words;
  • Honest – The student communicates truthfully and in a respectful way with classmates, teachers, staff and refrains from dishonesty in completing academic work; and
  • Committed to success – The student strives for success in all they do and works to the best of their ability.

Grade 6

Christina Maldonado is the perfect choice for student of the month! Christina has worked so hard in all of her classes to improve her grades. She is always willing to stay after for study sessions. Besides keeping up with her academics, Christina is very involved in school clubs and activities. Christina’s OM team recently received 3rd place during regional competition! Christina is always willing to help her peers! She is very kind and respectful to everyone! Congratulations Christina!

We are proud to announce Emilia Healy as the Yellow Team’s Student of the Month. Emilia stands out for her maturity, hard work, intelligence, inquisitiveness, and kindness. She approaches challenges with composure, puts in her best effort consistently, actively seeks knowledge, and shows compassion to her peers. Emilia’s exemplary qualities make her a wonderful role model for her classmates, and we congratulate her on this well-deserved recognition!

Jenna Fonda is a hard-working, intelligent, and creative student who is focused on her studies and committed to academic success. She works so hard both in and out of the classroom. She asks questions, participates in class discussion and always works to learn and grow. In addition to being a strong student, Jenna is patient, thoughtful, honest, courteous, and kind. Jenna comes to class with a smile and a positive attitude, works well with others, and is a pleasure to teach. All of these qualities make Jenna a wonderful role model and a perfect candidate for student of the month!

Special Areas

Jake Kalleberg is a talented and motivated student. When it comes to his work, he is fearless when asking questions and remains open to making changes to evolve his art. He is a hard worker and his excellent artwork is proof of that. Outside of his work ethic, he is also an amazing student. He is often seen helping others if they are struggling with the content or even going out of the way to organize his work space or the classroom. It has been a joy to have Jake in class this year!

Grade 7

Nishi Patel is a very polite and respectful young lady, who is both supportive and empathetic toward her peers. She shows a consistently conscientious effort and is proactive about asking for and accepting feedback on her assignments. Nishi is goal-oriented and succeeding is clearly important to her. Without a doubt, she is a strong role-model for her peers. Keep up the great work, Nishi!

Christian Taylor is a gentle-natured and sweet young man. He is consistently kind and helpful to his peers, teachers, and building staff. Christian is respectful and accepting of all his classmates, making him a positive role model. He displays effort and responsibility in his classes; always coming in with a smile and ready-to-work attitude. Christian accepts help graciously and pushes himself to grow as a student which makes all his teachers proud. Congratulations on being selected as Student of the Month!

Robert Pugh deserves the recognition of being student of the month for March, 2024. Robert is a good citizen. He is friendly and kind to all of his peers and ready to lend a hand whenever necessary. Robert strives to do well in school and comes prepared to learn. He is also busy with outside activities such as Scouts. Robert is always polite and respectful to his teachers. Congratulations Robert for being a stand out student at CJH!

Special Areas

Aarush Vohra is a fantastic student. He is kind, caring, and willing to step up to any challenge. Aarush plays trumpet in the Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band. Recently, he was selected to the Orange County Music Educators’ Association Junior High All-County Band! Aarush is a hard worker and sets a great example for others to follow. Congratulations!!

Grade 8

Daniel Espinosa Perez is a polite young man eager to learn and a respectful part of every class. He is unflinchingly attentive, always appropriate, thoughtful, curious, and appreciative. Daniel is an excellent participant in class discussions, has great eye contact, and is friendly and personable. His quiet demeanor speaks volumes as he sets a strong example of commitment to learning for his peers.

Aside from being well behaved, respectful, and hardworking in class, Alana Schrank always displays compassion and kindness for others. She comes to class prepared, works diligently on assignments, and collaborates well with her classmates. Alanna has a positive attitude, a cheerful greeting, and a smile on her face every day. She is a thoughtful, kindhearted young lady who is willing to help her fellow classmates and her teachers, as well! It is a pleasure to nominate and congratulate Alana for student of the month, as she is well deserving of it!

Special Areas

Jillian Church is such a talented singer and sets a wonderful example for others to follow during chorus and all her extra groups she performs in. She is extremely dedicated and continues to always do her very best in all areas of music. Jillian is a pleasure to teach and is respectful of those around her! Bravo!