District Cyber Attack Updates: At this time, little new information is known. Temporary phone numbers will hopefully be available for community and district communication on Monday, July 15. All news related to the cyber attack, including information about summer programs, can be found here: GCSD Cyber Attack Updates

Code of Conduct revisions adopted 9/5

The new Code of Conduct has been adopted after revisions were accepted at the Sept. 5 public hearing.

Access the previous Code of Conduct.

Access the adopted 2023 Code of Conduct.

Summary of Changes

  • Language has been adjusted to make it easier to read and understand, and to make the Code more positive in nature.
  • Restorative actions have been implemented, including:
    • solution-oriented rather than punitive approaches, to allow students to learn from their mistakes and learn pro-social skills to use in the future, and
    • the incorporation of tiered responses and interventions.
  • Adjustments have been made to make the Code more culturally responsive.
  • Consistency between schools and across grade levels has been applied.
  • Support staff information and mental health supports have been added (DASA Coordinators, school-based support resources, mental health first aid resources).
  • Expungement of discipline has been added:
    • to allow for a one-time opportunity during the course of a student’s career via Board of Education application for short-term out-of-school suspension (not more than 5 school days).
    • **Discipline involving serious bodily injury, use and/or possession of weapons, and illegal drugs/controlled substances will not be considered.